Early Childhood Development

Early childhood is defined as the period from birth to eight years old. A time of remarkable brain growth, these years lay the foundation for subsequent learning and development. It's a critical time of development.

We provide research-based programs and education to help you support the development of children and youth.

K-State Research and Extension has published several new and revised publication focused on early childhood development. Recent publications released include: MF3161 Emergent Literacy: Helping Young Children's Development Through Reading, MF3175 Choosing Care for Your Children: Child Care Homes, and MF3113 Talk Read Play. Visit the KSRE Bookstore to search for additional resources.

National Resources

  • Parenting Resources from eXtension - Practicle parenting information from the nation's largest and oldest network of universities.
  • Just in Time Parenting - Useful tips, e-newsletters, podcasts, videos, and more to help parents and carefivers in the most important job they will ever have.
  • Center on the Developing Child-Harvard University - The Center on the Developing Child generates, translates, and applies knowledge in the service of driving science-based innovation that achieves breakthrough outcomes for children facing adversity in the United States and throughout the world.